Controversy & Clarity podcast, episode 18, “Kendrick Kuo

Rudy Weisz, “Ukraine Doesn’t Need U.S. Contractors,” War on the Rocks, July 3, 2023.

Jerry McAbee and Mike Hayes, “Marine Generals: ‘Trust But Verify’ Force Design 2030,” The National Interest, March 26, 2023.

Michael P. Ferguson, “Why modern wars cannot escape the trenches,” The Hill, December 8, 2022.

Michael Kaplan, "China's Uighurs look towards Turkey for help," Al Jazeera, March 7, 2015.

Kathleen Caulderwood, “China and Afghanistan’s Minerals,” International Business Times, August 25, 2014.

Kyle Lawrence Mullen, “Divides deepen as China allows anti-Uyghur sentiment to fester,” Asian Correspondent, May 8, 2014.

* Published quotes do not equate endorsement of the author’s perspectives.